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I think you have the ground work for something cool. I will say if it's just a prototype then it makes sense for how it functions.

I will say that if you plan to turn it into a full game you may want to look into adding more of a story element. Introducing the player to what's going on in the game. Something easy as the kings fortune was scattered through the castle by an angry wizard & he must collect all the coins before his servants/peasants discover this occurred (aka the reason for the timer). It would give someone more motivation as to why they are doing what they are doing.

The random slowmo and fast speed is a cool idea but no explanation as to why it's occurring and just in random spots left me scratching my head.

On the second level I enjoyed having to time my landing properly but it was VERY confusing and random at times which platforms acted more like a trampoline. I'd suggest switching the art for them to make it more clear that they are not a normal platform.

While a little rough around the edges I did actually enjoy playing this and trying to beat it. Kudos on your hard work & you have the groundwork to create something fun & memorable.

Thank you for letting me know. Analyzing some game story reference which make good for my  game. Working for to add some stuffs on my game and try to make my game quite understandable. 

Just played the game and I think it has potential.

Found it interesting that different areas in the level have different properties. However, I think the game has to use the right ones to be full enjoyable. For example, in the first level, the fast forward mechanic was okay, but I didn’t enjoy the slow motion at all. I felt like it lasted too long and didn’t add interesting dynamics to the game.

In the second level, I was confused at first, but then I figured out what was going on and actually enjoyed it. I liked that you kinda have to memorize coin locations and move there after teleported. However, that level could benefit from a more intuitive way of showing this dynamic.

Lastly, I think the game could also benefit from a better character controller (current one is okay for a prototype). Game Maker Toolkit made a great video about this subject. I highly recommend checking out this video if you haven’t.

Thanks for the feedback man. I'm working to improve the slow motion. Level 2 is basically a low gravity with some platforms and some teleport. I used only simple controls. I figuring out to add controls to my player. I tried to add some stuffs on the game so that the game will not feel empty. Looking forward for your wind game to get complete.

very fun and interesting game .

looking for future updates,